S&R News

Just Closed: Sherman & Roylance Represents Buyer in $10M Northern California Senior Housing Portfolio Sale

Sherman & Roylance Represents Buyer in $10M Northern California Senior Housing Portfolio Sale Sherman & Roylance is pleased to announce the successful r [...]
Resiliency is Shaping the Future of the Senior Housing Industry
Resiliency is one of those words we’ve heard since the start of the pandemic more than seven...
How the Pandemic Could Impact Senior Living Operations Long-Term
The pandemic has created numerous unforeseen challenges for all individuals and enterprises,...
Why Tech Spending is Up Amongst Senior Living Providers
To say the COVID-19 pandemic has opened our eyes to the many disparities in our country is an...
How Senior Living Operators are Responding to Wildfires
The West Coast wildfires are currently burning millions of acres throughout California, Oregon,...
Protecting Assisted Living Facilities from COVID-19
Assisted living facilities have felt the brunt of the novel coronavirus that continues to wreak...